A downloadable Zeus Vs Humans for Android

# Introduction

An end-of-study project which is a 3D mobile game in a team of 4.

The idea is to make a mobile game where the player embodies the god of thunder, Zeus.

The objective is to survive as long as possible against humanity controlled by an AI which, at a certain stage of evolution, will be able to kill Zeus, the player.

Here is the Github.

# Explication of the game

## Controls

As a god, you can move your finger across the top of the screen to rotate around the planet. You can also shoot lightning bolts by sliding your finger from the bottom of the screen to the chosen position. Finally, you can zoom in/out by pinching with your fingers on the screen.

## Civilizations

You have to survive as long as possible versus civilizations that want to destroy you. To destroy you, they have to finish building the Babel Tower. Civilizations develop autonomously, but you can launch lightning bolts or earthquakes to slow their progress. Civilizations only build the Tower of Babel when they have no more buildings to construct, or when their worship bar is at one end (see Town section).

## Towns

By clicking on a village, you can obtain information about it (its resources, relations and worship bar). If two civilizations have bad relations (smiley angry), then they will attack each other if they cross paths. As for the adoration bar, it depends on both your actions and the civilization's initial values. Each civilization spawns with a scientific or religious tendency, symbolized by the heart on the bar. To try and balance the bar, you can then act on this civilization. For example, destroying a resource will cause your civilization to lose faith, whereas killing wolves will gain a lot. It's up to you to balance the bar according to your civilization's preference for delaying the construction of the Babel Tower.

Good luck !

## Credits :   

### Effects : 

3D Toon Lasers : https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/vfx/particles/3d-toon-lasers-168810

EZ Camera Shake : https://github.com/andersonaddo/EZ-Camera-Shake-Unity

Skybox Series : https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/textures-materials/sky/skybox-series-free-103633.

### UI : 

UI STARTER PACK : https://pauboeg.itch.io/ui-starter-pack

Sprite : https://www.flaticon.com/fr/

### Fonts : 

Ancient Park Demo Font : https://www.1001fonts.com/ancient-park-demo-font.html

Milk Mango Font : https://www.dafont.com/milk-mango.font

Pythia Font : https://www.dafont.com/pythia.font

Single Day Font : https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Single+Day

### 3D Models : 

Alstra infinite boat : https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/vehicles/sea/boats-polypack-189866

KayKit - Character Pack : https://kaylousberg.itch.io/kaykit-adventurers

Low Poly Tree Pack : https://brokenvector.itch.io/low-poly-tree-pack

Polygonal Wolf : https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/characters/creatures/polygonal-wolf-115...

Village : https://atblack.itch.io/hypnos-low-poly-fantasy-village-pack

Samill : https://fr.3dexport.com/free-3dmodel-simple-sawmill-393150.htm

Mine : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/exterior/industrial-exterior/stone-mine-...

Tower of Babel : https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/tower-of-babel-a4e601c636b842879cd7eea15bb87115

### Sounds : 



### Game Icon : 



1.03.apk 65 MB

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